

Wednesday 19th June - Welcome Event

Edward Herbert Building (EHB), Loughborough University

8:00 - 19:00 Welcome drinks, Networking and Outdoor games

19:00 - 20:00 Welcome BBQ

18:00 - 20:30 Registration


Thursday 20th June - Day 1

West Park Teaching Hub, Loughborough University

8:30 - 9:30  Registration, Welcome drinks and Networking breakfast

09:30 - 09:45  Welcome and Introduction to Conference

Speakers: Prof Nick Jennings, Vice Chancellor, Loughborough University and Sam McGinty, General Counsel & Director of Legal Services, Loughborough University

09:45 - 10:30  Plenary 1: Trends, developments and predictions for higher education and what they mean for in-house teams

Speaker: Smita Jamdar, Shakespeare Martineau

This session will review some of the short, medium and long term trends in higher education law and policy, through the election and beyond, and consider briefly how the strategy of in-house legal teams might need to evolve so that they can continue to offer the best possible support to their institutions.

10:30 - 11:00  Refreshments and Exhibition

11:00 - 11:45  Plenary 2: Beyond the Brief: Prioritising Wellbeing for University Legal Professionals

Speakers: Pam Burrows, People Booster

Identify burnout sooner. Explore daily stress-busting tools. Adopt a wellbeing model that also boosts team cohesion. Dive into the science of stress and prioritise mental health with strategies for a balanced, fulfilling career. 

11:45 - 12:30 Breakouts Block 1

Breakout 1A: The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023 

Speakers: James Murray, Doyle Clayton and Joanne Clement KC, 11KBW

In 2023, the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act became law. In short, the Act introduces a range of enhanced and new duties for providers with respect to free speech on campus and academic freedom. James’s presentation will give a user-friendly overview of the new Act and the complex area of law. The session will be very practical in its focus – giving suggestions for best practice, highlighting risk areas and mitigation strategies in an easy to understand and accessible way.

The aim will be to ensure higher educational professionals at all levels get a good familiarity with the new requirements and take away practical tips for immediate use in their institution. James will also ensure that he explains how the new free speech obligations interact with existing obligations relating to equality law, so as to ensure professionals can properly ensure equity and diversity in their institutions.

Breakout 1B: Implementation of the Procurement Act 2023 

Speakers: Shailee Howard, Mills & Reeve and Rosemary Boyle, University of Cambridge

How to successfully navigate a new procurement landscape while reducing the risk of legal challenge.

Breakout 1C: Managing Cyber Attacks

Speakers: Ellie Ludlam, Pinsent Masons and David Horan, University of Manchester

Cyber attacks are a very real risk for everyone and the potential disruption and reputational damage can be significant, with far reaching consequences. We will look at how universities can mitigate the risk of a cyber attack.

12:30 - 13:45 Lunch and Exhibition

13:45 - 14:30 Breakouts Block 2

Breakout 2A: Duties of care and disability discrimination post-Abrahart 

Speakers: Paul Greatorex,11KBW and Rachel Gower, University of Warwick

This talk considers the legal and practical issues raised by this case about disability discrimination, duties of care, and the relationship between these matters.

Breakout 2B: Managing the implementation of Trusted Research Principles in HEIs

Speakers: National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) and Chaitali Desai, University of Bristol

NPSA and the University of Bristol will be discussing the Trusted Research Evaluation Framework which NPSA and the NCSC has devised to help higher education institutions self-assess their compliance with Trusted Research principles.

Breakout 2C: Navigating through the ever-changing landscape of Indian Higher Education 

Speaker: Ananya Bhadauria, TMF Group

This session will focus on the Indian higher education landscape and navigate through the recent regulatory changes that allow for international universities to set up in India. It will deep-dive into the various models for transnational education allowed under the new-regulations and what might the next steps when thinking of India.

14:30 - 15:15 Breakouts Block 3

Breakout 3A: Meeting charitable objects whilst respecting freedom of speech: Challenges facing universities in a fast-moving world

Speakers: Rebecca Quinn and Virginia Henley, HCR Law

An overview of new obligations, incorporating practical advice, in relation to academic freedom of speech considering the recent Charities Commission guidelines to balance free speech with the university’s charitable purposes’

Breakout 3B: Raising seed capital to grow your spin-out

Speaker: James Paton-Philip, Hill Dickinson LLP

New and growing businesses can raise funding from various sources– however, it isn’t easy and James from Hill Dickinson will highlight some of the potential pitfalls. 

Breakout 3C: Recruiting international staff: immigration, sponsorship and best practice

Speaker: Tijen Ahmet, Bevan Brittan LLP

An invaluable overview of recent policy changes to immigration law when recruiting international staff in the Higher Education sector. It will also offer practical considerations for sponsor licence compliance.

15:15 - 15:45  Refreshments and Exhibition

15:45 - 16:30  Plenary 3:  AULP Panel Session 

Speakers: Alex Hall, AULP Chair and AULP Executive Committee

An update from AULP Chair Alex Hall followed by a Q&A with members of the AULP Executive Committee.


AULP Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner

18:15 - Late  Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough University


Friday 21st June – Day 2

West Park Teaching Hub, Loughborough University

8:30 - 9:30  Refreshments and Networking breakfast

09:30 - 10:15  Breakouts Block 4

Breakout 4A: Managing Risks in Research Contracts post Innovate Pharmaceuticals  

Speakers: Tom Morgan, CMS and Peter Aldred, University of Portsmouth

Recent cases demonstrate an increasing commercial risk for universities undertaking research. This talk will outline the issues in Innovate Pharmaceuticals Ltd v University of Portsmouth and implications for risk management.

Breakout 4B: Artificial intelligence: cutting through the noise

Speaker: David Copping, Farrer & Co

The session will focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and the real legal implications of AI for universities. We will cover issues/developments, the material effects, practical advice and actions to consider.

Breakout 4C: How green leases can help universities reach Net Zero

Speaker: Suki Tonks, Browne Jacobson

A session to explore the 50 shades of green leases and how green lease clauses from the light green to the dark green can help achieve net zero, including advice on best practice in cultivating a really healthy green lease.

10:15 - 11:00  Plenary 4: In-house ethics: have your say!

Speaker: Dr Jim Baxter, University of Leeds

Dr Jim Baxter from the University of Leeds is leading a project for the Law Society to develop an ethical practice framework for in-house solicitors. In this interactive session he will introduce the project and give you a chance to have your say. What are the most pressing ethical issues facing the in-house profession today and how can the Law Society most effectively support you in dealing with those issues?

11:00 - 11:30  Refreshments and Exhibition

11:30 - 12:15 Breakouts Block 5 

'Get out' 5A: Holywell Woodland Guided Walk – Rich Fenn-Griffin, Loughborough University Arborist

Can’t see the wood for the trees?  Loughborough University is home to two stunning ancient woodlands, both possessing histories of more than 800 years each.  But how can the way the woodland looks tell us about it’s history.  Join Rich Fenn Griffin (Assistant Gardens Manager) as he reveals the clues hiding in place sight that tell us a woodland’s story.

If you would like to attend this session you will need to pre-book your place here. There are only 30 places available on this walk, please book to guarantee your place.

'Get out' 5B: Loughborough University Guided Sculpture Walk – David Bell, Loughborough University Arts

Loughborough University's campus is home to 39 publicly accessible sculptures, including works of international significance. Led by the University's curator, this walk will provide an introduction to the collection, showcasing works that are interesting in their own right, but which also shed light on the history of both the institution and the changing functions of British public sculpture. David will also introduce some of the legal challenges that those responsible for University art collections often face. The walk will be approximately 1.5 miles in length, on step-free paved surfaces. 

If you would like to attend this session you will need to pre-book your place here. There are only 30 places available on this walk, please book to guarantee your place.

'Stay in' 5C: Towards more mindful working

Speaker: Trish McLellan, Lawcare

A session to explore psychologically safe working environments which better protect mental health and support the delivery of high-quality legal services. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the challenges of their role and explore strategies to manage workplace stress including the value of effective boundaries to reduce the likelihood of overwhelm.

'Stay in' 5D: Digilabs demo –  IT Services, Loughborough University (available 11:00 - 13:45)

Loughborough University has invested £12million in bleeding edge technology to help transform our teaching capability and enhance our students' employability. The three campus based DigiLabs will harness VR, AR, AI and 3D technologies and you can see the Virtalis  3D Immersive wall and the Proto Hologram in action as part of the conference.

12:15 -13:45 Lunch and Exhibition

13:45 - 14:30 Breakouts Block 6

Breakout 6A: Conflicting rights at work: balancing employees' freedom of expression and "cancel culture"

Speakers: Niall McLean & Lynne Marr, Brodies LLP

We will analyse the themes emerging from the wave of recent cases involving beliefs protected by the Equality Act 2010 and consider what factors employers should weigh in the balance when deciding whether to restrict the expression of such beliefs.

Breakout 6B: Legal Service Delivery – There and Back Again: A Lawyer’s Tale

Speakers: Will Farrell, Thomson Reuters and Linda Dalton, University of Hertfordshire

Taking you on a quest with the University of Hertfordshire, as they set out to develop their in-house legal delivery. We will explain how the UH Legal Fellowship implemented new processes, workflows, and technology, overcoming a few dragons along the way, helping improve efficiencies and ultimately demonstrate the value of the Legal Services team. 

Breakout 6C: Managing Inquests arising from Student Mental Health Issues

Speaker: James Muller, Weightmans

James Muller (Principal Associate, Weightmans) discusses tips for any Higher Education provider involved in a Coroner’s Inquest, and particularly those relating to Student deaths where mental health was a key factor.

14:30 - 15:15 Breakouts Block 7

Breakout 7A: Engaging your alumni – charities law and regulation in the context of major donors 

Speaker: Chris Hook, Muckle LLP

This talk summarises the latest in charity law and regulation to ensure universities get the most out of their donors. Attendees will learn about a range of topics, such as rules around donations and naming rights, as well as the new guidance from the Charity Commission on refusing or returning gifts.

Breakout 7B: Data Law: The macro and micro impacts of change

Speaker: Chris Air, DAC Beachcroft

A consideration of new and anticipated changes in the fast evolving area of regulation, the legal risks arising, the consequences of non-compliance and recommended actions for university legal functions.

Breakout 7C: Managing complex projects  -  supercomputers, reality emulators and a dental hospital 

Speaker: Stephanie Rickard, VWV and Clare Smith, University of Bristol

Joint presentation with University of Bristol and VWV discussing lessons learned on managing high value and complex HE projects, including the University of Bristol's recent £225 million supercomputer project.  

15:15 - 15:30  Plenary 5: Closing remarks

Speaker: Alex Hall, Chair, AULP and Sam McGinty, General Counsel & Director of Legal Services, Loughborough University

15:30 - 16:30 Refreshments and Networking

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