The Executive Group is the steering group for AULP. They meet several times a year and host an annual conference. They are always keen to hear from members who have good ideas for speakers or sessions at regional meetings and at conferences. We encourage sharing of information, contacts and good practice so please get in touch.
If you are already a member and would be interested in joining the committee, please please get in touch.
Alex Hall, Director of Legal & Compliance Services and University Solicitor at the University of Hertfordshire
Nicola Cárdenas Blanco, Vice Chair and Director of Legal Services at the University of Birmingham
Ken Morrison, General Counsel at St George’s, University of London
Deborah Wakely, Head of Legal Services and Corporate Governance and Clerk to the Board at Bournemouth University
Rachel Gower, Director of Legal and Compliance Services and DPA at University of Warwick
Brynn Younger Banks, Barrister and Senior Legal Counsel at University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Stephen Allen, Employment and Student Matters Lawyer at University of Surrey
Wahid Kahn, Lawyer at University of Bradford
David Horan, Solictor at University of Manchester
Barbara Dowling - General Counsel and Director of Legal Services at University of Arts, London
Anita Kingsman - Legal Counsel at The Open University
Sam McGinty - General Counsel & Director of Legal Services at Loughborough University
Ava Zadkhorvash, Solicitor University of London
Chaitali Desai, Research Compliance Manager, University of Bristol
Julia Durham (Ms), Head of Legal Services, University of York